The trains need to run on time. Factories need to deliver on time. Projects need to end on time. And processes need to run ABC and 123.
Ensuring that your company is able to tun the right processes at the right time in the right sequence and in the right relationships is critical to removing friction and increasing stakeholder enjoyment in the process of working together.
Operational improvements happen when stress is relieved for the people doing the work and their job satisfaction helps ultimately to delight your customers. If your customers are happy and your employees are happy and your other stakeholders and investors are happy, operations are achieving the desired result.
We work alongside you to make sure that there’s no waste in the systems and that processes are documented, followed by all, and, more importantly, updated with feedback for improvement on a regular basis.
Today’s world of thousands of applications has made it very easy to over-engineer the complexity of running your business. We believe less is more and keeping it simple is the name of the game.
Our operations management approach is to use time tested industry standard software and tools with high level support, high level training and widely accepted business practices so that your existing team and new team members and partners have the ability to accelerate their work.
Sometimes the best thing we do is to help you stop doing something.
“When setting objectives for the year, don’t just focus on what to achieve. Also include your top three objectives to stop doing. For every ‘to-do’ objective, have a corresponding ‘stop doing’ objective.”
~ Jim Collins, Good to Great